Sunday, February 17, 2008


Can it be Monday yet?


Dennis said...

Monday will come...Good luck with your scans tomorrow. Candace and I are thinking of you.

laulausmamma said...

Good morning's finally Monday!! Thinking of you on the long awaited scan day. Got the fingers and toes crossed that the results are as you hope. Let us know as soon as you hear....the forum cheerleaders have their pom poms shaking...we have a busy week with all the scans happening.


Steve said...

Thanks both of you -- Just finished up breakfast, since my first scan is at 10:15AM and I can't have anything to eat four hours prior.

Same goes for my other tests, but they go out to 3PM in the afternoon. A little starvation never hurt anyone, right? ;-)

B. said...

Thinking of you love.