Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Well Done Please, With Grill Marks if you Can...

Today was my first day of radiation, yippie!

So, I walked into a nice big room with a machine like this one (its the same model, a Varian EX21):

Looks like something out of a bad sci fi movie, doesn't it? Anyway, I'm there barely a half hour - They run some last xray checks, the doc OK's it all, and then its about 10 minutes of listening to the machine buzz.

Now the bad news - They don't have an afternoon slot open for me yet. So, for now, I go first thing in the morning at 6:30AM. I'm pretty pissed off to be honest, as one of the selling factors was being able to do this at the end of the day (and close to home) so I don't have to worry about tiredness during work.

They are going to see if a lady at 3PM can switch with me. I sure hope she can, otherwise I'm going to get pretty PO'ed with Paoli.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,

Stumbled across your blog and wanted to give a good wish from a fellow "Hodge Homie" (officially the first time I have referred to myself as such) and Flyers fan (well you said so in a post from November, so I hope it's still true).

I finished my radiation treatments 5 weeks ago and found the fatigue held on longer than I expected, but have bounced back greatly in the past week.

So I am all ready for the game tonight. Hope you are feeling well (even if well done). Love your fighting spirit - with best wishes for you and your family.