Friday, December 21, 2007

Sorry, I've Been Slackin...

I haven't posted in a while, generally because there hasn't been anything interesting to post! Symptoms are the same ol stuff, dealing with it the same ol way. I think we're pretty much in a routine at this point.

One thing that I'm watching though -- I'm noticing myself getting a little out of breath relatively easily (playing with Steven for a few minutes, etc.). It may be nothing, it may be just the effects of treatment (I am getting more tired). The other thing it could be is Bleomicin toxicity; Bleo is one of the 4 chemo drugs given to me. Its not at all uncommon for it to happen, and it can damage the lungs if not caught in time. I'll let the doc know, and she can decide if she wants me in for another pulmonary test. My lungs are crystal clear, so I'm still learning towards 1 or 2.

I decided to not go to the Hodgkin's support forum I visit for a little bit (a couple of weeks at least). Its nothing in particular; While I know the vast majority of people recover from this and move on, there's a large population of relapsers there which, for some goofball reason, scares me right now. I don't want to think of relapse, not right now. And that's nothing against them (of course) -- They are hardcore cancer killers, and most have awesome experiences following SCT (the next step after relapse). I just don't want to think about that, because its putting ideas in my head; Its purely selfish reasons, but it is what it is. Suzanne is still checking in though and keeping me in the loop.

My Neulasta fun (aka all-over bone pain, yeeha) should be ending by tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to an awesome Christmas week. If I don't post again before Tx5, everyone have a merry Christmas!!


Tori said...

Many many hugs. Here's hoping your breathing issues are just a minor and temporary inconvenience.

Love you both,

Steve said...

Tori!!! *hugs!*

Thanks hun, I appreciate it. We're both doing well enough given the circumstances.

Don't know if you found this early, but remember, Hodgkins is really, really curable. I'm looking good so far in that aspect, which is the most important thing to me.

I'll take 6-8 months of hell to be able to put this behind me. If that happens, I consider it a good thing - It got some priorities put back in their proper order!