Tuesday, March 18, 2008

And That's That - Disability

Well, I'm now officially off the "Commuting to Philadelphia" list for the time being. I was able to handle my turnover stuff early, so since I have no specific need to be in town (and I'm feeling like crap), we're out. I'm expecting to be out for the next 4-6 weeks, but its really up to my doctor now - If anything, she'll keep me out longer.

I'll probably end up posting more here, since I'm going to have loads of free time. On the downside, I officially left "Good week, bad week" behind, I'm sore from walking 5 blocks, the memory is shot, and I have mouth sores that just made my favorite meal (beef stew) excruciating to eat.

Two more people, two more and that's it...

P.S. On the plus side, ALL of my hair is growing back - My father is now back to being the sole baldie in the family. Except... I like the bald w/ a goatee look. I think I may keep it through the summer in fact.

P.P.S. I love you people - Friends, family, new Hodge Homies... You really get an appreciation for the people you know.


Unknown said...

Hey :) Finally figured out my password because I have something USEful to offer (rather than ongoing prayers and cheers :)

Get ahold of 'magic mouthwash' from your doctor. It is a solution of 1. Viscous Lidocaine (1 part)
2. Maalox (1 part)
3. Benadryl (1 part)

and it is the miracle cure for mouth sores. I use a q-tip and kinda wash out the sore I might have. If you have a lot in your mouth, you can swish it around in your mouth for a few moments. I use it before bed, in particular and before all meals. The Lidocaine in the mouthwash will numb the sores, making it possible to eat your meals with enjoyment :)

Also, use motrin if you can. Ibprophen has helped me many times with mouth pain.

Unknown said...

oops! the above was from Lyrima :)

Unknown said...

You're right, baldy w/ the goatie is very hawt... Chris sports that look =D I'm so glad you guys are holding tight and doing well overall.

Dennis said...

Hope the mouth sores clear out soon so you can enjoy eating again. Maybe getting a bit more rest and not working can bring back the "good week" for you.
Be well,

B. said...

Hey Lovely,

My NP said GO FOR THE NEW GUY! Young, but smart.

So all lights are on green.

Mouth Sores: Have you talked to your onc about the magic mouthwash, and Saline Rinse.

Sometimes, towards the end you have to be extra religious about mouth care.

TWO MORE dude. Two freakin' more. And you are so over this. Just knock 'em out a treatment at a time.

We're all still behind you...
Email me if you need ANYthing.

Tons of Love,