Monday, March 3, 2008


Well, I got to see Dr. Glatstein today down at HUP. Amazing doctor, he reminds me of the old Norman Rockwell style docs. He's also on Philadelphia Magazine's top docs list as well as the national Top Doctors in Cancer list.

And he's going on sabbatical about a week before I'd start radiation.

He's going to Oxford for six months. SON OF A B**TCH!!! Don't get me wrong, the doctor I'll see in his place is good (Dr. John Plastaras), but I was going to see THE MAN. The guy was involved in research on Hodgkins way back in the 70s for crissakes.

The good news out of today:
  1. He's the third doctor to confirm I'm PET negative and in remission (yay!)
  2. Based on what he's seeing, he thinks shielding my heart and lungs will not be difficult - The mass shrunk in the right places.
  3. Paralysis is highly unlikely (1 in 10,000 chance).

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