Friday, November 9, 2007

OK, Now its Serious

I am in friggin agony over the neupogen. My entire spinal column radiates pain in waves, up to my neck and shoulder blades. My oncologist gave me percocet, which I'll be taking very soon.

The plan was to take the neupogen over the weekend, with the darling wife getting the honor of stabbing me. However, my insurance company initially declined the order (saying this drug requires mail order). Given the shots are $1,000 a pop, I understand somewhat, but:
a) We're talking a weekend here -- We CANT go to the office
b) We need it THIS weekend so I'm not neutropenic through the weekend and next week!

Suzanne popped on the phone with them and explained the situation. To my insurance company's credit (and my sincere gratitude), they were quick to provide us an override once they understood the situation. We have our shots, our percocet, and I'm ready for a weekend of being an invalid.

UPDATE: Thank God for percocet. Pain has pretty much subsided, so I'm not in agony.


francisfantastic said...

so glad you are feeling better and you got the shots for the weekend.. i am sure we will be on the same schedule, it will be great! e

Steve said...

Hahaha... Well, I'm going to try! We can compare notes and all kind of stuff!

How have you been post-shopping therapy? :-)