Monday, November 5, 2007

Weird Set of Emotions Today

Been some ups and downs today.

On the plus side, I felt GOOD today. And for the first time since I found out about this, I had some serious confidence about beating it. Not just confidence - I know the statistics, comfortable with the treatments, etc. But I'm talking about COCKY confidence: The kind where I'm not even thinking about the Hodge, because its going to go away like a damn cold after I kick its ass. Got some great feedback with how I'm doing in my new role at work, and its just been a great day overall.

So why a downside? Someone from the support forum I frequent unfortunately lost her 6 year battle with Hodgkins today. She passed away peacefully at home with her family. Good cancer my ass, and just proof that while the vast majority do beat this thing, some good people are taken down as well. I'm still confident, but the news is keeping me sober.

Beyond the Hodge, my Eagles put up a rather pathetic display yesterday. Can anyone say LETS GO FLYERS?

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